The world of Gaumaaya revolves around the products extracted from cows which are high-quality, cruelty-free, economical and eco-friendly. Dive into our exquisite range of unique products and support Gaushalas with us!



We believe that every household should use one cow-product in their everyday lives, which would help generate a continuous revenue stream for the Gaushalas. Because of this concept, donations wouldn’t be considered the ONLY monetary source to support cows! !

Gaumaaya Panchgavya Soap


With the goodness of clarified butter of Bovine milk, Turmeric, Chickpea Flour, Margosa (Neem), Coconut Oil and many other Indian ingredients, the Gaumaaya Panchgavya Soap embraces you in a fragrant lather and its organic ingredients makes your skin soft and bump-free!

Gaumaya Laghu Yagya (गोमय लघु यज्ञ )


Want to fill your room with a positive aura? Want to do a small aura-cleansing yagya everyday in your house? Want to get rid of those nasty mosquitoes? Try Gaumaya Laghu Yagya which is made from the exotic herbs like Gogul, Jatamasi, etc. used in Yagyas and Hawans.

Gaumaya Gyan Sagar(ज्ञान सागर)

Embrace the experience of turning the leaves made from processed Cow-Dung. This is the world's first book made from Cow-Dung paper and encloses a knowledge-bank of Why cow is considered holy in Hindu mythology and how you can upgrade your lifestyle by adding cow to your everyday life. Dive into the the world of forgotten cow now!

Switch to a Bio-T-Fuel era with Gaumaaya!



Sell your range of cow-products on our platform with our smooth onboarding process. Help your local Gaushalas become self-sustainable today!


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Gaumaya Pariwar
